Watch again: EU Competition Policy and Healthcare: starter questions for future directions

In case you missed it, you can watch the recoding of our event ‘EU Competition Policy and Healthcare: Starter Questions for Future Directions’ here.

On 12 January 2022, EUHealthGov held its third quarterly seminar. We were delighted to be joined by Professor Johan von der Gronden (Radboud University Nijmegen), Dr Bruno Nikolić (Ljubljana) and Dr Marc Wiggers (Loyens Loeff Amsterdam) for a roundtable discussion. This built on recent literature suggesting that the future contours of EU competition policy in healthcare may be shaped by dynamics between the EU institutionsa refocusing of the “undertaking” concept to give greater priority to public interestsincluding in the healthcare context; and further clarification of the applicability of EU competition law to recognise national political aspirations for intervening in healthcare systems. Presentations included analysis of the current CJEU appeal in Casa Regina Apostolorum and the 2020 CJEU judgment in Dôvera by reference to national experience in the Netherlands and Slovenia.