About the Network
The interconnectedness of Europe’s health systems and policies has never been more apparent. How should health be governed in the EU, and what is the role of the Union here?
Welcome to the EU Health Governance Network. EUHealthGov is a network of academics, practitioners, researchers, policy-makers and other professionals interested in EU health law and policy. Through its website, blog and Twitter account, the network aims to provide a hub for the exchange of ideas and information on all things EU health governance.
Specifically, EUHealthGov aims to:
- Inform the growing public debate on the appropriate scope, structure and ambition of EU health governance, by facilitating multinational, interdisciplinary research and collaborations, fostering dialogue between researchers and practitioners, and acting as a hub for, and disseminator of, this research.
- Elevate EU health governance within the field of EU Studies, by showcasing the contribution that research on EU health governance can make to EU studies more broadly, establishing an identity for the sub-discipline, and running the first (to our knowledge) event on the teaching of EU health governance.
The network has been generously funded by the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) since 2021, and is open to anyone who wishes to join (see ‘get involved’ page for details). It is co-coordinated by two colleagues: Dr Charlotte Godziewski (Department of International Politics, City, University of London, UK) and Dr Mary Guy (Law School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK).
‘For me, it is crystal clear - we need to build a stronger European Health Union’
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, September 2020