Politics and health promotion: In conversation with Dr Charlotte Godziewski

The EUHealthGov network is delighted to announce the sixth event in its quarterly seminar series. On Monday 26 September at 14:00 (BST) we are delighted to host Dr Charlotte Godziewski (City, University of London) to discuss her new book, The Politics of Health Promotion in the European Union.

Much has been written about policy efforts to achieve ‘Health in All Policies’: an ambitious attempt to improve population health and reduce health inequalities by ensuring multiple policy areas are more attuned to their health impacts. However, most accounts focus on technical challenges, such as implementing impact assessments. In contrast, and focusing on the European Union, Dr Godziewski’s book argues that ‘Health in All Policies’ is essentially a political project shaped by institutional power, competing ideas, and discourses. As such, we can only really understand the failure to realise its ambition through political analysis.

Dr Charlotte Godziewski is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in International Politics. She joined City, University of London in 2022 from Aston University, Birmingham, UK. She earned her PhD in 2020 from the University of Sheffield, in the Department of Politics and International Relations. Charlotte is one of the coordinators of the UACES-funded research network on EU Health Governance.

Charlotte’s research explores the politics of health, specifically the politics of framing health issues and defining what constitutes health promotion. She has explored these puzzles with an empirical focus on EU institutions, analysing ‘health promotion’ as a site of tension between the social and economic logics of EU integration. She is particularly interested in how knowledge production, the politics of evidence, and the relationship between research and policy, shape the governance of health.


EUHealthGov is a research network, funded by the University Association for Contemporary Studies (UACES), focused on the governance of health in the European Union. This event is part of its quarterly online seminar series, which provides a forum for discussion of a range of EU health governance topics, presented in roundtables, in-conversation sessions, work-in-progress seminars, practitioner perspectives and other formats.

The event will last 60 minutes, including a Q&A session, and will be chaired by Dr Eleanor Brooks (University of Edinburgh). It will take place on Microsoft Teams and a link to the webinar will be sent a few days before.

Attendance is free but participants must register via Eventbrite.