The third bulletin from the EUHealthGov network was distributed to the mailing list on 10 January 2022. You can find the bulletin below, and sign up to receive future editions to your inbox.
Welcome to the third bulletin from the EUHealthGov network, and thank you for joining the mailing list! We’re using the bulletin to send an occasional update on the network’s activities, events of interest and other news. The list is a collective resource so please do use it to publicise your own updates, either directly or by emailing us something to include. For now, thanks for joining the network and, in advance, for forwarding this email or mentioning EUHealthGov to interested colleagues, so that we can continue to grow.
Expressions of interest, calls for papers and resources
- Call for papers: UACES annual conference in Lille September 2022, call for health panel/papers
The University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) has opened the call for papers ahead of its in-person conference at ESPOL (Lille Catholic University), 5-8 September 2022. EUHealthGov is hoping to organise a panel at the conference so, if you are interested in presenting a paper on any aspect of EU health governance (from any discipline) and would like to be part of a preformed panel, please do get in touch. Full details, including of the participation subsidy that is available, can be found on the EUHealthGov website. Deadline Sunday 16 January.
- Call for papers: ECPR Joint Sessions in Edinburgh, April 2022
EUHealthGov network members Thibaud Deruelle (Université de Lausanne) and Eleanor Brooks (University of Edinburgh) are delighted to invite abstracts for their upcoming workshop on The Political Determinants of Health in the EU. The workshop will take place at the ECPR joint sessions, hosted at the University of Edinburgh, from 19 to 22 April 2022. The workshop is planned to be held in person (Scottish government guidance permitting). Full details can be found here and the deadline for submissions is Wednesday 2 February.
- Call: Health in Europe virtual discussion series
Health in Europe is building its programme. If you would like to present work-in-progress, or discuss a publication/project, please contact Dr Mary Guy (
Upcoming EU health events
- EUHealthGov panel, EU competition policy and health. Wednesday 12 January 2022 (14:00-15:30 GMT; 15:00-16:30 CET)
Join us for the third event in our quarterly seminar series. We welcome Professor Johan van de Gronden (Radboud University Nijmegen), Dr Mary Guy (Lancaster), Dr Andrew Morton (Leeds), Dr Bruno Nikolić (Ljubljana) and Dr Marc Wiggers (Loyens Loeff Amsterdam) to discuss current challenges and future directions in EU competition policy and health. Full details and registration here.
- Health in Europe virtual discussion: How can we strengthen the promotion of public health in EU external relations? (Weds 26 January 12:00-13:00 GMT; 13:00-14:00 CET)
The next meeting of the Health in Europe series will discuss a paper by Dr Elisabet Ruiz Cairo (Geneva) on how we can strengthen the promotion of public health in EU external relations? Full details and registration here.
Online platform for EU health folks…
Finally a reminder that a clever colleague (h/t Anniek de Ruijter) has set up a Slack channel for academics working on EU health law and policy. We’re using it to share what we’re working on, find others working on related things, exchange info, news, event updates etc. It’s open to anyone who wants to join but you’ll need an invitation link – you can get this by sending a quick message to
- Bulletin collated by EUHealthGov coordinators Eleanor Brooks, Charlotte Godziewski and Mary Guy. Check out the EUHealthGov website, follow us on Twitter and join the mailing list to stay in touch.
EUHealthGov is a network, funded by UACES (the University Association for Contemporary European Studies) from 2021 to 2024. It’s aimed at anyone interested in EU health governance. We will be running a quarterly online event series, organising health-focused panels at the UACES annual conference, sponsoring early career presenters and network members at UACES and other conferences, hosting our own EU health governance workshop and teaching conference, coordinating a special issue, and doing a bunch of other fun things – you can read about our plans in the first post on our blog site.
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