EUHealthGov bulletin #2
The first bulletin from the EUHealthGov network was distributed to the mailing list on 19 May 2021. You can find the bulletin below, and sign up to receive future editions to your inbox.

Summary: In Conversation with Professor Meri Koivusalo – Trade and Health: When Actions do not match Aspirations
On 7 October 2021, EUHealthGov held its second quarterly seminar. We were delighted to be joined by Professor Meri Koivusalo from Tampere University (Finland) for

Watch again: Trade and Health – When Actions do not match Aspirations
In case you missed it, you can watch the recoding of our event ‘In conversation with Professor Meri Koivusalo: Trade and Health – When

Call for Papers, ECPR Rome June 2022
Thinking of presenting an EU health governance paper at the ECPR Standing Group on European Union conference in June 2022? Join us! EUHealthGov will be submitting a pre-formed panel(s) to the conference, and can offer subsidised participation for one network member.

EU Health Governance at the 2021 UACES Annual Conference
EUHealthGov was thrilled to host three panels, exploring a vast range of EU health governance topics, at the recent UACES annual conference. Couldn’t make it? We’ve made a handy summary of the research presented.

In Conversation with Prof Meri Koivusalo – Trade and health: when actions do not match aspirations
On Thursday 7 October at 14:00 (BST) we welcome Prof Meri Koivusalo (Tampere University, Finland) for a conversation about the public health implications of European Union trade agreements.

Health in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans: State of Play
What kinds of reforms and investments are foreseen in the first batch of National Recovery and Resilience Plans? How do member states propose to spend the EU’s recovery funds?

Research Agenda: The EU Wellbeing Economy after COVID
As new EU economic recovery tools are being developed in response to the pandemic, what power dynamics shape the definition of what constitutes a ‘wellbeing economy’ for the EU?

EUHealthGov Network Launch 26 May 2021
Read the short summary of our recent launch event on the EU Vaccine Strategy.

Watch again: A health advocacy view on the EU Vaccine Strategy
Watch the recording of our practitioner perspectives webinar with Yannis Natsis (EPHA), 26 May 2021.

EUHealthGov bulletin #1
The first bulletin from the EUHealthGov network was distributed to the mailing list on 19 May 2021. You can find the bulletin below, and sign up to receive future editions to your inbox.

Practitioner Perspectives: A health advocacy view on the EU Vaccines Strategy
On Wednesday 26 May at 15:00 (BST) we welcome Mr Yannis Natsis (Policy Manager for Universal Access and Affordable Medicines at EPHA, the European Public Health Alliance) to give a practitioner perspective on the EU Vaccine Strategy.